We had a big bon fire monday night and the scouts and families came. we burned the trash pile across the canal , then the kids started t o bring tumble weeds to put onthe fire. They had a blast and started sliding down the gravel pit. long story short, they had a good time and tonight for scouts not many showed up cause of monday night, there loss. WE planned a five mile hike for next wed night. Hope we have good wweather. They all just left and mom is at the family history center and Tamekas a mia. I have the house to myself, but dont know what to to. So ill post a little blog and then go get the grim reapers cycle for the big every fifteen mins tommorrow.
Well i just went to thepictures and found a good one so im downloading it because I dont have any thing to write about. I really hope you enjoy the picture.
Just if you wanted to know, I have more work lined up than i have ever had. Maybe well be working on the garage this year. For all of you slacking bloggers , get off your butts.